日本語の読み「nihongo no yomi」

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Message from the CEO

This is the realization of a fleeting idea I had these days. Since I couldn't find a good book that deals with subject matter reading in Japanese. I thought, I better start one myself. This blog shall consistently post reading from selected material of various branch of expertise such us engineering, medical, chemistry, economy, finance, money market, literary works, poetry and songs, arts review, marketing materials and the like to increase readers vocabulary in this specific area. We will often than not pick up materials from various material such as magazines, online publications et cetera and have it dissected here.

The format of this blog shall be consist of selected reading in it's original form. We will add furigana either to assist reading, It might be in romaji for the most part for it being easy to read by beginners in Japanese. The section that follows will be atarashi kotoba and its explanation and probably sample usage and noteworthy remarks. The last section will be the Grammar and Usage explanation. This section will pick up specific usage and grammar construction that requires explanation and give sample usage to clear confusion.

I hope this will help me and other people who learn Japanese as well. From learner to learners, that's how I see it.



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